Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Instagram--ing about LA FAMILIA! (oh, and a POPPLET too!)

Thank you to Srta. Barragan for this awesome activity idea! It works best with students who have their own personal device and who have an Instagram account. As we were talking about family members during our class, students shared pictures of their family members, while also writing a descriptive sentence in the target language. Then, classmates were asked to comment. The activity went very well, except that not everyone had a personal device or account. Those students (without a personal device or account) participated in a "dummy" forum on our school's Learning Management System, and it also worked well.

I would give suggestions to students before they begin the activity with regards to commenting. One word comments are not appropriate. I suggested they ask questions, or state a specific thing they like/dislike about the image. 

Here is the original idea on Srta. Barragan's post:

Here are some examples of our posts:

As part of another activity to work with La Familia themes, use the Popplet Lite app to exhibit relationships between family members, instead of designing the "traditional family tree." 

Here are two student examples:

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